Monday, February 13, 2012

The Story Behind the Title Part 2

In the weeks that followed our last conversation, we came to the same conclusion. We didn't know what God wanted, and Phillip still needed more time. So we kept waiting and praying, but my heart was being drawn closer to Phillip and I feared that if I let it continue, my heart would be very broken. On Thursday, April 7, 2011 I decided that I was going to take a big step back from my friendship with Phillip. After two hours of praying, processing and crying I decided I would not see Phillip outside of our regular ministry events, no more "hanging out", no more texting, no more phone calls. Instead that night, Phillip finally made up his mind and decided to pursue my heart, in a committed dating relationship! (For the whole story on that event please click here)

This is supposed to be the part where, we fall madly in love and leave all doubt and fear behind, and live happily ever after....

We did fall in love, but our trials were far from over. Phillip was working for an organization as a semester missionary, and according to his contract he could NOT date anyone. He contacted his supervisor and tried to get permission. He was denied. 

At this point, my faith faltered. I didn't know what to do, was this a shut door? Thankfully, Phillip talked to his direct supervisor, who was a local pastor who knew us both well. He gave his permission for us to date, but again, many challenges would arise in the coming months. There were doubts, fears, insecurities and miscommunication, some that were normal and others that seemed completely unique and extreme. However, through every tear-filled night and every day of questioning God's will, Phillip and I knew one thing remained: God's will was going to be done no matter what, and we had to trust Him.

Don't get me wrong, we've had some fantastic adventures, and memories. And when Phillip proposed to me it was perfect! But these high mountaintops were at the end of some very deep valleys.

If we are being honest, we know exactly where would be if our will was accomplished in this relationship, we would not be together. It has been hard, very hard, but God has received so much glory! Many of you have followed our story, and can see how God has worked powerfully in our relationship; God didn't bring us together primarily for our "happiness" but He brought us together because it gives Him the MOST glory!  God put me with Phillip because it refines us to the likeness of Christ, and because it is for our GOOD.

Many times, we act like young children, and we tell God what we want and expect Him to give us this "ideal/perfect" partner for life, as if we deserve that. But God in His grace and mercy, give us--not all the things we want--but gives us what we need and what is good for us! Almost every child, when left to their own will, would eat sugar all day long, and if you are a good parent who wants the best for your child, you will not let them eat sugar all day! You know that they need  fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, etc. How much more, will our Heavenly Father give us the GOOD things that we need!

It is our goal, that in our marriage God would be glorified in all we do, no matter what season we find ourselves in.

~Standing on His Promises~

***25 days***

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Story Behind the Title Part 1

"For His Glory and Our Good"

This title to some may seem poetically profound, to me it is a reflective truth gained from many months of prayer and surrender.

For those of you who haven't heard much of our story, the following background information may surprise you, and for those of you who know our story well, you will remember the many conversations you have had with us about this very lesson.

When I met Phillip in January, I was waiting on the Lord to deliver on a promise He made me the previous April. The promise? "I want you to prepare yourself to be in a relationship a year from now". This promise was in no way from my own heart, as I was reluctant to move back to the Northwest and was disheartened that there were no single, godly men that I would be compatible with, and besides-I had been single my whole life! Despite these huge doubts I waited to see if that was really God's promise for me.

Fast forward eight months to January 20th, 2011 when I met Phillip Grant. My roommate Rachelle was convinced that he was perfect for me, and I was less than thrilled to be"set up" without a man's knowledge or my consent. However, as I took a step of faith, despite much fear, I began to get to know Phillip and quickly got involved with his ministry. In the weeks, and months that followed, I prayed more intently and specifically than ever before. The Lord asked me to trust Him, and to be Phillip's friend, which I did ever so cautiously and all the while pondering in my heart if this man could be the fulfillment of God's promise.

Those months were filled with pain of risk, and not knowing what to expect. I initiated two "define the relationship" conversations with Phillip out of a desire to know where we stood (with much trembling of voice and hands, and sometimes tears; each conversation went better than I expected, but yielded few answers to my many questions. So many times I wanted to run away from this "thing" that was happening between us. I just wanted Phillip to make a decision about our relationship, I didn't care what the decision was, as long as I just knew where we stood. My heart was starting go beyond just feelings of friendship and getting my heart broken terrified me.

However, I knew that the Lord was in control, He wasn't shutting any doors, I had prayed over and over again, "Lord if this is not Your will, if this is not the man that I am going to marry, please shut the door. I want Your will more than my own". I quickly found that these were some of the most painful prayers I had ever spoken, requiring the deepest level of trust and surrender that I had ever experienced.  Little did I know, that this was just the beginning of the "birthing pains" that I would experience in our growing love.

(to be continued....)


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This is just the beginning....

Hello all!

This is the first post of the Grant family blog! This excites my heart on so many different levels. In just 31 days, I will finally become Mrs. Grant! It is our desire to use this blog to share what God is doing in our lives, and to encourage you by what He is teaching us.

Most of the posts leading up to the wedding will probably be a prequel, catching you up on the story that God is writing. Phillip and I will both author this blog, however I have a feeling that I will be more consistent in writing, we will see.

We look forward to sharing our stories with you. This blog is titled "For His Glory and our good" because this has been one thing we have learned in the last year together. That God does everything first and foremost for His glory, and secondly for our good. Even in hard things, we trust that it will give glory to God and that God being our perfectly good heavenly Father, gives us things for our ultimate good.

So here's to the start of a new, exciting, and wonderful adventure!

~Standing Firm on His Promises~